Am I Right? Or Am I Right?

Am I right or am I right? Me hubby and I were having a bit of a chat about relationships with our beloved offspring. Which then lead us to the discussion of how we communicate and how we “listen” to said offspring as well as those in our circle of love and those who come in and out of our lives.  (Digression) Years ago, I knew someone who I would always question his “passivity”. How can he not argue or force his point on certain things.  I never could understand why he didn’t argue or stand up for himself when clearly wronged. I used to view that as a weakness. How can he lovingly just walk away from the situation without standing his ground or forcing a heated conversation to let the other “one” know were he stood on the issue? Fast forward to now. I get it.  It wasn’t weakness, it was strength! Are you ready to hear the gem of the day?

“You don’t have to PROVE your right to KNOW that you are right!”

How very simple.  I think it bears repeating. “You don’t have to prove your right to know you are right”. Right? I recently was at a friend’s house in which they were lamenting about how their children were struggling with some things and they were baffled at the WHY of it. My advice to them was to sit the chic-lets down for a “family council” and ask them. BUT were warned not to “fight” against what was told to them. So if , for example, they (the children) said, “You are always yelling” then the advice was for them not to argue as to why they aren’t always yelling but to ask the children why they think that. Then as parents asses if that is something they do or do not do and if so do they want to change or not?

I have found that this serves me well in COMMUNICATIONS within my own life. I never have to create a ugly situation so that I can prove the Victor!! At the end of the day, whether I am declared the Victor or not, I am still standing and nothing has been taken away from me or who I am.  Whether I am wearing the crown of the winner or the appearance of the loser, I have not been minimized or belittled because I didn’t fight to be right!!  There was no need to fight. I love the words of (Dieter Uchtdorf) a leader “JUST stop it”. Stop arguing. Stop needing to be the Victor. Present your case and walk away. 

Go and KNOW that you are right!


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