Easter Sunday...

Easter Sunday…is an amazing day.  It is a reminder. The one reminder which I give all my children as they exit the Van-go or leave the front door shouting “ma, I am leaving! or when they leave my presence is “REMEMBER WHO you are!” Easter Sunday is a reminder for me. What that phrase may look to you is probably different then what it looks to me. That’s okay. It may be remember the things your parents have taught you. It may be remember the changes you have committed to making. It may look like a reminder of what your “intentions” are. The quote may be a refresher of the changes you want to make in your personality or way of living. 

Easter Sunday brings a fresh interpretation of what that phrase is for me, “remember who you are.” It is a reminder that I am a daughter of a Heavenly Personage. I am a soul that is much bigger then what my life looks like and is. I have a path that requires humility, change, acceptance, and the OPPORTUNITY (if taken) to be bigger then what the world sees me as.  Emphasize REMEMBER AND WHO and then see the sentence. Take a moment to remember where you came from and who you were while you were there! 

Have a beautiful and chocolate filled Easter! Go and Eat some See’s Candy.


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