Hating the Techno...

Hating the techno…stuff. I was to submit a piece for Smittenby.net and it took me hours upon hours to get the @#X*) thing figured out. (No swear words where used in this blog.) I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why something that has progressed in the world so much as computers have cannot figure out a font and a font color. End of story.

Spring is springing here. The trees are growing blossoms over night and the brown of the grass is slowly being overcome by green. It is the season that makes you want to watch “7 brides for 7 brothers” and sing the “going court’n” song as loud as you lungs will allow. But you don’t for concern of your neighbors and their barking dogs.

We spent the weekend cleaning out rooms and offering up those things long held onto but not needed anymore. There is something about cleansing every once in a while that really does something for the soul.

That is it. It is all I have today. I was so bamboozled by the font catastrophe that I think I need to get a soda and watch “Frasier.” Then I will get inspired.

Go and do something without fonts.


Aaron Miller said…
After searching my highly pictorial memory(looking for any clue that could help me remember your blog sites name)I do believe I have remembered! I hope. If you were NOT blind sided this morning by a rant loosely based on soda, then I bid you good day, and sorry. However should you be she.....then I am still sorry (for the rant, I mean) yet happy I found the right blog. (its the little wins you know)
Rivmama said…
I am she! And she loved the soda dissertation! Glad to be a new follower because I love your blog!


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