Oh How I Love the UPS Man!

Oh! How I love the U.P.S. man! They drive around in those large sexy utility brown vans that are chalk full of boxes containing things that have been ordered or gifts being sent for special occasions such as birthdays or “just because”!  They are clothed in the long brown shorts and matching shirts to identify themselves as “Santa’s little helper”! It doesn’t matter if they resemble Doug from “King of Queens”, delightfully chubby with a huge beer belly and the dexterity of a monkey!  It is that they run  up to your front door with a loud double pound and then are off to the next place! One rushes to see who has the nerve to be so rude as to make all that racket on your front door! You open the door, ready to complain, and there sits a taped up, bedraggle brown cardboard box with your name on it! The Angels sing! “It’s here! It’s here!” Or “what in the world?” And there is pure joy in the moment.

I had that kind of moment! My dearest friend in the whole wide world sent a “thank you” box for when he visited last. Inside that traveled cardboard box was 2 packages of our favorite cookies, our favorite nuts... pistachios, 2 extra place settings that I needed, a book for my blog ideas, thank-you cards for my little Maya Bird to use, real chocolate chocolate and a cute card thanking us for any hospitality given on  our part. (Boy do I suck! I send an email with “thanks for the great time”!)

My cute little neighbor had a UPS moment! My neighbor relates that her daughter, Ri, was about 6 years old when the double pound came to their house. My friend opens the door to find a very large cardboard box addressed to her from some company she doesn’t know. She lugs it into the house, befuddled. When Ri comes down the stairs and sees her mother struggling with the box, she begins to jump up and down with unadulterated glee, “Oh yeah! It is here! It is here!” Ri had gone on a computer site where mother’s info, including credit card, was and simply placed an order for her dream Barbie House. How can you be mad at the double pound at the door that day for bringing such joy?!

Go and do and maybe, just maybe, you will get a visit from the sexiest man alive, in brown shorts and the matching shirt to go with it!


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