Confessions of a 10 year old
Confessions of a 10 year old…is what I am going to spew about today. Can I share? So Prince Charming is somewhat of a snorer every once in awhile. Keep that in mind. Our dearest friends have a daughter that is in college. We have known college gal since she was one year old. She is visiting us for a few days thus displacing our little “papaya” from her room who now is sleeping with us for the remainder of the visit.
Are you getting the picture? Sleep deprivation.
Now that is the back story.
Four o’clock I am awaken from a fitful night of sleep full of snoring and long littlies legs kicking me. I jump up from my comfortable bed to the sounds of who knows what only to find that my second eldest is getting ready for school. 4:oo o’clock a.m. I query. Why? That is when I am informed said daughter must be spirited off to school by 6:3o a.m. Oh my. I groggily return to bed thinking can this sleep get any better?
Why do we ask these things when we KNOW the universe will answer back?
“Mom” I hear the soft voice next to me. “Yes?” I answer with hopes that this will be a one sentence moment. “I must confess to something mom.” she says timidly.
What on earth can a 10-year-old have to confess at 4:oo o’clock in the morning?
“Um, I have a reading book that stayed in my back pack all year that I was suppose to read. And my reading teacher is somewhat of a bold personality and so I am somewhat scared of her.”
Insert small lecture about lying and how that hasn’t helped her by NOT coming to us before.
“Girly, it is fine. We will work it all out in the morning (the one that is fast approaching) okay? I give her a soft pat and roll over wondering if I can squeak in another hour of sleep.
Silence. 5 minutes.
“Mom, I have another thing to tell you. I never told you this before because I didn’t want too but it is that I haven’t earned my Karate Belt doing my recorder.” She sighs as if giving away a heavy burden.
“Um, okay. You are alright.” I mumble. “Um, um, say it again?”
“In learning songs on the recorder you get to earn ribbons that are called karate belts.” She is gaining momentum in her emotional conversation. “And (small sob) I didn’t do it. I only earned 3 belts because I was confused at what the teacher was saying and so I pretended to know the songs but really didn’t and then I didn’t pass any more songs AFTER THAT! (sob, sob, sob.)
Here comes the UNIVERSAL TRUTH about life:
“Darling, it is so much better to get yelled at for TELLING THE TRUTH then it is getting yelled at for LYING.”
“I know mom and I can bring the recorder home during the summer and practice”. She whispers.
Crying. Real crocodile tears.
“Littlie why are you crying now my dear?” I ask now fully awake to two teens rattling around in their bathroom, a hub who is wheezing and the confessions of a 10 year old and knowing I ain’t going to get back to sleep.
“I am JUST SO FREE!” she says oozing with happy tears, “I have been carrying that around in my brain all year and now I am feel free!”.
10 thousand kisses on my cheek and repeated “you are the best mom ever”.
Quiet. Sleep finally on it’s way.
“Mom”, she says loudly, " I am so so happy I chose to come to this family. You are the best mom and I am glad I chose to come to you. I love this family. I am so glad we chose each other. Now you will take care of the book in the morning right?”
“Yes, my love. Love you to the moon and back.” I give her a squnch.
It is the truth. Truth can be painful but the consequence of carrying a lie is so much more painful. The “yelling” at of telling the truth comes with it a “freedom from your brain” that can bring happiness. The lie brings with it a great burden and when it is finally discovered the “people” you are telling it too are so much more betrayed and angry then if you would have “come clean” in the first place.
So: go and do and tell the truth no matter the consequences.
Are you getting the picture? Sleep deprivation.
Now that is the back story.
Four o’clock I am awaken from a fitful night of sleep full of snoring and long littlies legs kicking me. I jump up from my comfortable bed to the sounds of who knows what only to find that my second eldest is getting ready for school. 4:oo o’clock a.m. I query. Why? That is when I am informed said daughter must be spirited off to school by 6:3o a.m. Oh my. I groggily return to bed thinking can this sleep get any better?
Why do we ask these things when we KNOW the universe will answer back?
“Mom” I hear the soft voice next to me. “Yes?” I answer with hopes that this will be a one sentence moment. “I must confess to something mom.” she says timidly.
What on earth can a 10-year-old have to confess at 4:oo o’clock in the morning?
“Um, I have a reading book that stayed in my back pack all year that I was suppose to read. And my reading teacher is somewhat of a bold personality and so I am somewhat scared of her.”
Insert small lecture about lying and how that hasn’t helped her by NOT coming to us before.
“Girly, it is fine. We will work it all out in the morning (the one that is fast approaching) okay? I give her a soft pat and roll over wondering if I can squeak in another hour of sleep.
Silence. 5 minutes.
“Mom, I have another thing to tell you. I never told you this before because I didn’t want too but it is that I haven’t earned my Karate Belt doing my recorder.” She sighs as if giving away a heavy burden.
“Um, okay. You are alright.” I mumble. “Um, um, say it again?”
“In learning songs on the recorder you get to earn ribbons that are called karate belts.” She is gaining momentum in her emotional conversation. “And (small sob) I didn’t do it. I only earned 3 belts because I was confused at what the teacher was saying and so I pretended to know the songs but really didn’t and then I didn’t pass any more songs AFTER THAT! (sob, sob, sob.)
Here comes the UNIVERSAL TRUTH about life:
“Darling, it is so much better to get yelled at for TELLING THE TRUTH then it is getting yelled at for LYING.”
“I know mom and I can bring the recorder home during the summer and practice”. She whispers.
Crying. Real crocodile tears.
“Littlie why are you crying now my dear?” I ask now fully awake to two teens rattling around in their bathroom, a hub who is wheezing and the confessions of a 10 year old and knowing I ain’t going to get back to sleep.
“I am JUST SO FREE!” she says oozing with happy tears, “I have been carrying that around in my brain all year and now I am feel free!”.
10 thousand kisses on my cheek and repeated “you are the best mom ever”.
Quiet. Sleep finally on it’s way.
“Mom”, she says loudly, " I am so so happy I chose to come to this family. You are the best mom and I am glad I chose to come to you. I love this family. I am so glad we chose each other. Now you will take care of the book in the morning right?”
“Yes, my love. Love you to the moon and back.” I give her a squnch.
It is the truth. Truth can be painful but the consequence of carrying a lie is so much more painful. The “yelling” at of telling the truth comes with it a “freedom from your brain” that can bring happiness. The lie brings with it a great burden and when it is finally discovered the “people” you are telling it too are so much more betrayed and angry then if you would have “come clean” in the first place.
So: go and do and tell the truth no matter the consequences.