Snow White...

Snow White ….that is who I sent off to the bus today. Yes, she is my daughter and no I am not the wicked queen. (Okay, maybe a little depending on the day!) The school is having a Renaissance Fair and the “wanderers” are allowed to dress up in period pieces or their “favorite” princess or pirate. My little darling decided to forgo the Renaissance feel and go straight to Snow White. (Influencing that decision is that she looks EXACTLY like a little Snow.)  Also, watching “Once Upon A Time” on Sunday eves, which is about fairytales, haven’t influenced her at all I am sure. So, after two weeks of deliberations on which outfit would be best for the upcoming event, she finally decided for sure last night that Snow was the outfit she wanted.

Then came the meltdown. Which lipstick to wear? Yes, she is only 10 years old but Snow has red ruby blood like lips. Isn’t that how we all are as women? Which lipstick to wear? And, unbelieving to the male species, we actually can have a major meltdown over lipstick. It is true. Believe it. It has happened.

So two runs to the dollar store and $4.oo of purchases we found the perfect red. All you out there are giving a sigh of relief as you all know to find the perfect red is nigh impossible. Nigh. The problem is, male genders, is that all reds LOOK alike in the package but go ON completely different then what they appear.

We are like that aren’t we girls? The coiffing of hair, the matching of shoes, the look. We, depending on the day and our life struggles, we want to look good. I recant. We always WANT too, it is just sometimes the effort is harder some days then others. I know it is for me at least. But we trudge on and try not to compare ourselves to others. We have great days where we are “foxy mamas” and other days we look “parentless”. But we trudge on. And the days we are wearing the perfect lipstick are the days we feel great.

I regress. I sat in the Van-go peering out at my little Snow with her plaid back pack on and her crushed velvet bodice with the fluffy yellow skirt  (Disney outfit) waiting to board the bus. I was taking mental snapshots of that and thanking my stars for the opportunity to witness my gal still holding onto youth. And  what made the picture amazing is she was replete with the perfect lipstick.

Go and find your perfect lipstick and call yourself happy. See you tomorrow.


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