Retelling…2 boys sent home

Retelling…a story my young one heard. She is at a “religious” camp in which the golden rules are set in stone and if broken result in being sent home.  The person going over the rules relates a story in which two little in stature young fourteen-year-old boys, on their little free shopping time, stole two yellow markers. (Ironically enough it was for marking their “scriptures”!) The man in charge could tell these boys were heart broken over their decisions and humbled by what had transpired during the last hour. So he thought he would give them a break  and not send them home. BUT he kept getting strong feelings like he needed to send them home and it was so overpowering he could’t change the rules. (Rules or what-not who knows?) But he, as the story goes, went and brought the “tallest” of the two young lads into his office and said that due to the theft he would have to be sent home. The boy cried and said how he had saved all year to come to this camp thing and after a bit of hysterics was finally stilled. The boy was then asked who he would like to call, mom or dad, to inform them of what had transpired and he quickly replied mom.

“As I sat by this young man as he called his mom, I could over hear the conversation. The boy quickly and with many a sobs recounted the day and explained he would be coming home. The mother’s voice could be heard easily. “YOU WHAT?” “Do you know how much trouble your in?” “What in the green earth where you thinking?” “Wait until your dad hears about this!”


“Then I excused this boy and invited the other boy to come in. When posed which parent he wanted to call, he like his predecessor, replied “mom.” This boy however asked the me to speak to his mom. The situation was explained in detail and the mother asked to speak to her son. The son waived his hands and scooted in his chair saying “no.” I said to him, “Listen, I cannot tell your mom that you won’t talk to her.” He hesitantly took the phone to his ear. “Mom?” He said.

The mother’s voice could be heard over the receiver. “Do YOU know how much I love you?” She cooed.

“Mom, I am so sorry” he sobs.

“No, listen to me, do YOU know how much I love you?” she says.

“But mom, I am so so sorry!” He says.

“Wait your not listening to me, Do YOU know how MUCH I LOVE YOU?” she repeats.

So, this is the deal. When those in our lives do things that are not up to our expectations can we greet them with “do you know how much I love you”?

Go and do.


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