Summer time is here. I am depleted of creative ideas because our lives are long days, no meals, and full of work, bbq’s, walks, outdoor music concerts, friends over, planting flowers, outdoor lighting, etc.

I sorta love it. Last night as the sun was tucked in for the night and the cool eve air made sitting in the front yard bearable, I thought, “this” is what the summer is all about. I digress. We started out for our Monday “Family” time at about 6:30 p.m. We opted to go to the local outdoor Amphitheater and watch the free concert that they offer throughout the summer. We sat on the hard boulder seats in the sort of setting sun, feeling a smidgen of sweat trickle down our backs but not feeling at all uncomfortable. The band of the day played music popular in the 1950’s era and we found enjoyment in watching all the kids dance around like monkeys, flinging themselves here and there, caught up with the beat of the band!

Once the concert was over, we went to a local hamburger joint that was closing up shop 1/2 hour early. They were more then kind to serve us but had all the chairs up and they were mopping. Obviously they wanted to go home and we, by no means, wanted to hinder that! (I am sure we all have worked a job at one time in our life that we couldn’t wait to get home from!) So we redesigned our ideas and went to a different joint called JCW’s. There we found our table piled with hamburgers, fries, assorted desserts and sodas. We visited as a family as we shared desserts and threw french fries at each other. There was kind joking and just good plain family fun.

By the time we arrived home the sun was set and the night air had a cooling effect on our bodies. We decided, as summer seems to dictate, to rearrange our landscaping lights and move around plants. I watered the myriad of flowers in pots sitting on my front stoop. We have an arbor on the side of our house with honeysuckle climbing up it and “cafe lights” strung through it shining within the honeysuckle. We had those turned on and the landscaping lights on. It was full of summer ambiance. I sat on my lawn furniture as the kids jumped over the bushes and raced around with our scraggy dog chasing them as fast as his little legs would carry him! I inhaled the smell that comes with the birth of summer. The distant sounds of other children running in their yards and couples taking a late night walk talking in low voices. The sound of cars in the distance mutely echoed in my ears. This is what I wait for all year long was a thought I had.

This is the time we can be renewed. We can unite with our families. We can change the things we want to. We can be like the dormant plants that now have grown and blossomed and changed from the year before. So Go and Do---those things that summer insist you do!


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