Take It Back….

Take it back….Have you ever wondered at the craziness in the world? Sometimes in our lives we come across someone who is constantly challenging our way of life, of doing things, of our belief system. I have a crazy neighbor who, I haven’t spoken a word in over a year plus (due to her being an unsafe person) and I still get people coming to me telling me the out and out lies that she spews about us that have absolutely no foundation. Boy, I must have a lot of power if she is still trying to destroy my family with an agenda that includes lies, half truths, and innuendoes. But there are worse out there. And many have had to endure things from their own family members or in-laws. It is time to take back your life. Yes, you. It is time that WE remove ourselves from the things that bring doubt, self loathing, or unsafe things into our lives. That is why we have free agency, is so we can CHOOSE to remove those who bring evil into our lives. I know of grown-up children who still strive to get the love from an abusive parent. They feel half whole because they think that if the parent only loved them. Untruth. We are loved and do not NEED a person (s) to prove that we are greater then we even know. Do not let , out of passivity/unbridled need/misguided thoughts, others direct your life. Take it back. Do not let that wayward spouse, mean spirited friend, abusive parent choose your direction. Take the road map of life back and direct your own trip. After all, you only get one. Make it count. 


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