Lightening always strikes...
Lightening always strikes….well never has it in my life time! But my ma-in-law just wrote and said they were leisurely sitting watching the Telly when a motivated lightening rod hit their roof, traveled down the chimney, hit their telly and blew out their microwave, telly, and a few other appliances. I am sure they thought “what the hey-d-ho?”
This brings me to topic. We never know when lightening, the proverbial one, will hit. This thinking has brought me to be overly loving at goodbyes. Yes, I do flash the “love” sign to my littlies when I drop them off from school. I do text me darling college gal every morn so that she knows that my first thoughts of the day are about her. I do give my friends hugs and “love yas” whenever we part. I do let those in my life know I love them and how meaningful they are to me. This is a habit. And in my view a good one. Why do we not say the things we think to those who give us unconditional love? Do not, do not, do not get it.
My bestie Australian friend always takes time to see me when she is in the states. She brings honey from her bees and chocolate that we all fight over. My cup over flow (eth) knowing she brings jars of honey all the way from Aussie. She shows her love.
My friend, Mer, comes to see me every time she is in town and it is as if no time has passed!
My pal, Mcf, is always so quick to offer help or love or use of her jacuzzi!
T, she is my go to gal. Kal is my daily buzz. The list goes on as far as friends. They all love in different ways but they love! I have left friends out because I could be here all day singing their praises. They show love to me and I hope they receive it from me.
Sure love looks different with each person. But the key, listen up, the key is to know HOW that person shows their love and then relish in it. I probably never would traipse jars of honey all across the continent for a friend (I am not that fabulous!) but I would certainly let my friend know how much I appreciate them by use of words. Some show love with gifts, time, service, words, or just by “showing up” on/for important events or trials.
Show love randomly and without censure. Do it. Sure you may not get it back or you may get it back in a way different then your expectations but …..remember the famous line “It is better to have loved and loss then to NEVER have loved at ALL”.
Go and show love unconditionally…..that means without expectations of receiving it back. Let us get real….we are never judged on what the other person did/does, we are only judged on what we do.
Go and do and do and do!
This brings me to topic. We never know when lightening, the proverbial one, will hit. This thinking has brought me to be overly loving at goodbyes. Yes, I do flash the “love” sign to my littlies when I drop them off from school. I do text me darling college gal every morn so that she knows that my first thoughts of the day are about her. I do give my friends hugs and “love yas” whenever we part. I do let those in my life know I love them and how meaningful they are to me. This is a habit. And in my view a good one. Why do we not say the things we think to those who give us unconditional love? Do not, do not, do not get it.
My bestie Australian friend always takes time to see me when she is in the states. She brings honey from her bees and chocolate that we all fight over. My cup over flow (eth) knowing she brings jars of honey all the way from Aussie. She shows her love.
My friend, Mer, comes to see me every time she is in town and it is as if no time has passed!
My pal, Mcf, is always so quick to offer help or love or use of her jacuzzi!
T, she is my go to gal. Kal is my daily buzz. The list goes on as far as friends. They all love in different ways but they love! I have left friends out because I could be here all day singing their praises. They show love to me and I hope they receive it from me.
Sure love looks different with each person. But the key, listen up, the key is to know HOW that person shows their love and then relish in it. I probably never would traipse jars of honey all across the continent for a friend (I am not that fabulous!) but I would certainly let my friend know how much I appreciate them by use of words. Some show love with gifts, time, service, words, or just by “showing up” on/for important events or trials.
Show love randomly and without censure. Do it. Sure you may not get it back or you may get it back in a way different then your expectations but …..remember the famous line “It is better to have loved and loss then to NEVER have loved at ALL”.
Go and show love unconditionally…..that means without expectations of receiving it back. Let us get real….we are never judged on what the other person did/does, we are only judged on what we do.
Go and do and do and do!