Those Days Gone By...

I was running errands when I happened to turn on the radio. A local news announcer was saying that there was a school shooting in an elementary. My skin tingled and I was annoyed as the announcer kept speaking of the shooting but not giving any information where. Being that it was a local newscaster, I assumed it was in my state. I was within a few miles of my youngest school and thought that maybe I should run up and see if, the heavens forbid, it was my daughter’s school. Quickly, a movie ran through my head of what I would do once I arrived at the carnage. Where would I find my daughter?  How could our family survive without her? How I would miss her for the rest of my life! The announcement that it wasn’t here actually gave me no solace. By then my fears and sadness extended to the mothers who were currently dealing with the news that would change their lives forever.  

I decided to post a picture of my girls that is really a few years old. But I love the flag that represents our amazing country, the bubbles that incapsulates youth, the basketball hoop , and my two lovely daughters that I can hug today and tell them how much I love them. I don’t know why I get to still have them in my life today when so many other mothers do not have that privilege but I give thanks to my Maker and wish only love and some type of peace for those mothers of Connecticut. 


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