It is Frigid.....and there is a wedding...

It is frigid...I am sitting in my loft looking out the window and all I see is cold. It is as if I am living in a refrigerator. The basketball hoop is frozen over the clear glass now smokey white. The orange of the hoop is barely peeking out of the white that has piles up and froze. The mail box, dark brown in color, is covered with frost and it seems like it will take days to defrost. The trees, sparse as they are, are all covered with white as if someone took "flocking" and used it generously. There is a quaintness about looking at the homes all nestled in frozen white with just a hint of fog for atmosphere. There is something warming about seeing the heat rise out of their chimneys and knowing that there are a bazillion crockpots running with stews to warm the loved ones when they arrive home. We are the only ones on our block right now and so when you look out our back window it appears as if the land runs on forever. The front looks out onto small homes nestled within the blanket of snow. The mountains try to peek through the fog that has settled. It is country here without being country. I like it. For now. It takes the pressure off of living in town....which had it's "greats" as well. But knowing out here you can pull out of your driveway that contains mounds of snow and ice, without looking as no one ever drives down our road, is wonderful. You can go for a walk a never see a person outside. You are self contained and in a good way. You can think out here. You can be. It is rather lovely actually.

Okay, so the life that is leading me now is the pending nuptials of my first born. Our religion allows for a sacred and private marriage ceremony and then it is customary, in our neck of the woods, to have a reception in which every one comes to the church gym, that is decorated NOT to look like a church gym....but it is still a gym....and get a cupcake or truffle and say hi to the bride and groom for about two seconds. It is all rather silly.  Due to the fact that the ceremony itself is beautiful and sacred the reception is just the "after thought." Now the quandary in life is, with this economy (thanks socialist President Obutta) is do the young couple spend money on a reception that friends and family spend 20 minutes at and the dash off for something more entertaining or does the young couple use the money set aside for the reception etc and apply that to their new life instead? It would be a disservice to start them out in poverty.....yes that did come to my mind and I did use it in argument against the whole spending money to make a gym seem like a reception hall and receive gifts that may need to be taken back because everyone is on a budget these days and we are not from back East. (I say that with sadness not judgement.....back there the weddings are SHIN DIGS with the bride/groom hosting a grand affair and gifts given not under $200.oo for the most part......that is their reputation at least.) Here our little culture focuses not the grandeur but on the ceremony itself which again is sacred and not open to public display. (Not saying good or bad, just presenting facts.) So does the eldest give up the idea that has plagued her for her whole child hood of the wonderful party and adoration of all or does she financially set aside that dream to be able to start her married life out on the right foot? Having the reception and grand affair is something I always wanted for my little gals. The soon to be newly weds could spend the lot of monies on a fabulous place and have the best reception ever. That evening would be one to remember. BUT then the reality of the next day. Poor little college students who fell in love. Do they spend it on "expectations" or do they start out their lives financially savvy? This is what being a grown up is all about. Do we set aside some of our dreams for the responsibilities that are pending or do we do what we want and the rest be damned? Food for thought. Will let you know how this saga ends!

Go and Do.


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