Zombie-fied shows that we are not always good parents. Yes, I said it. We are not always the best of parents and this picture is going to show it! NO THIS IS ALL MAKE UP! My son was part of a Zombie promo for an upcoming movie/comic thing. They photoed the transition from small town cute all American boy to flesh eating Zombie boy. A mother couldn't be prouder. (JK) So after a day of shooting, we were not there as he was with his friend and parents doing this, he showed up at home looking as if he had been in a major accident. It was unsettling to say the least. This is were the naughty parents come in.....we picked him up in our arms and ran screaming for the children to come help as "the boy" has been in an accident. It scared the living tar out of them. It still causes a chuckle to rise up in me. They, for yes just less then a minute, believed that this made up boy had indeed been through something. It was funny. Okay, so don't go down that path of what if...my older brother did pass away due to a car accident. We are not talking about that nonsense. WE are visiting the misdeeds of parents and the occasional silliness they inflict on their own children due to child-like antics. It was silly and our eldest still won't forgive us. But it is what I said jokingly when they were young..."We are not saving for college, we are saving for Therapy so they can share all the things we did wrong raising them." Boy this is one for the couch! Go and do something silly.