Ask Dad....

"Ask Dad" as been the mantra repeated today over and over. My brain about had a blow out this weekend. Between a daughter getting married and establishing her "own" life, another entering into the dreaded 16-18 age scene, (hold onto your hats because that age is a DOOOZEY!)  science project melt downs, 5 missing assignments, spenditures that sucked up the pay check, two birthdays (Happy Birthday Nanna) , a Valentine Dance,  grocery shopping, taking a gal to a job interview, a family dinner, a class party to help in, a "farewell" to attend, a boy who thinks Halo is more important then homework, and the list goes on. I actually said a four letter word with my outside voice. It was that bad. 

So, after drinking a Monster and taking a very large pill for headache relief, I declared it for the 3rd time in our family life history, a "Mom free day." Everything has been deferred to Papa Bear. I didn't quibble over bedtimes or dress codes. I didn't lecture on cleaning or (okay, I admit I did assign jobs...come on folks, I am only human.....despite what every else thinks~) brushing teeth. Every thing from dinner, made by my oldest, to "conversations" about homework were given to others. I took a long nap after church, spoke to a dear friend on the phone and relished in living today. It was good for me. Maybe not for others but it was for me.

So all of you gals who feel pressures either from family, work, school, say a word in your loudest voice and have a Tylenol on me!

In my ghetto voice, "Its ALL good girl". Go and do.


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