Bruised Feelings....

Bruised funny. My 10 year old came home to regale me with stories of a judge who was judging the Elementary Science Fair. Now you would think with all her anxieties that she was working on the Nobel Prize instead of the basic nickel/penny home made battery done mostly by daddy. Yes, she is somewhat of a Worry Wart. Anywho she comes home and precedes to tell me how this judge had the audacity to ask her about things she really didn't know but deferred to her father as "He is the one that helped me so I don't know." The judge promptly told her that it was up to her little 10 year old self to know these things. Thus the "he bruised my feelings mom."

We all get "bruised feelings" in life. Everyone gets them and everyone causes them. But I had to temper my little one by saying that it is what we do with these feelings that matter. Do we allow them to be our justification in saying and doing anything that comes to mind? To we self talk ourselves to death about how "bad" we are due to bruised feelings? Do we use those bruised feelings to dictate our future actions? Or do we take the "matter at hand" and judge it for what it is? Do we process what we can take from that and move on?

I was offered my own little column on an online newsletter. Advice. I give it a lot and freely and can be rather inspired. The owner called me and said that a gal with 6 kids ranging from 6 to 18 and is a full-time therapist wanted to be apart of that column. The owner wondered if I would want to incorporate any partnership or have her  help out in anyway. My feelings were bruised. How can homemaker Riv compete with a therapist on advice? The owner left it up to me and proclaimed it can be "all mine" and I don't have to share and it was just a thought. It was suppose to be all mine and I could do with it what I wanted. But now....the fun sucked out. So I ruminated on it and thought about it and realized that maybe there was another place on this paper for me? I had promised to think on it and call the owner a few days later in which I did. She had come up with a plan to completely change the idea of the column and I had declined it. This other gal was more more and more qualified then me. But the new change didn't fit either one of us. BUT we found a new column, a different type of writing that is more up my alley. It is going to be really fun to do and I cannot say how much I am looking forward to it.

My bruised feelings did not dictate a negative response. Sure I told the owner I was a bit bruised and my pride was a bit dented. But that I believed there was a solution and we hadn't found it. So two days later it was found. CHOSE to respond to bruised feelings , initially with negative, to simmer for a bit and then turn it to positive. (I am sure there is an elementary science project out there that can do that, eh my little one?!) Turn to positive, if I can you can.
Go and Do ....... a little bruised feeling experiment~


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