Lordy, Lordy It Is Great To Be Forty....
Lordy Lordy Lordy it is great to be forty...that was the mantra I sang when that time actually arrived. The thing about aging is you think it only really happens to others and not you. But guess what? It does happen, sad to say, to us.
Good news moment: when we age, at least for me, we/I get more self aware. For example, I do not like to marinate in the negative. NOT meaning I don't want to know my friends and their trials. I love to counsel and hear stories of others and their journeys...it is just if there is a scratch on the car...what can I do? I can asked everyone and their dog who did it but then what? I don't need to be pulled around to look at every scratch, dent, imperfection in house, car, etc. What good does it do to my mind? (NOthing I tell you!) It is LIVING in and marinating in the things that are bad and not seeing the positive side of things when there are some. Shi-ska-bobs happen. No doubt. And many suffer alone. But many of us have those who we can turn too.
So this little lecture section is due to my daughter who is indeed encountering some bullying or not nice play from those two who once were considered friends. That stuff is bad and horrendous..not going to lie. Yet losing a boyfriend/two friends in one weekend, she gained 3 new friends and has 3 dates from the loss of said boy candy. She received 20 messages on her FB saying how much she is loved and her sister (elder)took her to get nails done and lunch. I wish all my trials were met with those types of responses...I would beg for more trials. (Slow down there, I didn't mean literally. Smile.)
So that is what forty does...it shows you why one has acted a certain way for so long. I always hated seeing every little imperfection in life and always tended to want to see the good. Now if I could only get those around me to do the same...we would all be happy.............atleast I would be.
Go and be happy for a moment as I know I will.
Good news moment: when we age, at least for me, we/I get more self aware. For example, I do not like to marinate in the negative. NOT meaning I don't want to know my friends and their trials. I love to counsel and hear stories of others and their journeys...it is just if there is a scratch on the car...what can I do? I can asked everyone and their dog who did it but then what? I don't need to be pulled around to look at every scratch, dent, imperfection in house, car, etc. What good does it do to my mind? (NOthing I tell you!) It is LIVING in and marinating in the things that are bad and not seeing the positive side of things when there are some. Shi-ska-bobs happen. No doubt. And many suffer alone. But many of us have those who we can turn too.
So this little lecture section is due to my daughter who is indeed encountering some bullying or not nice play from those two who once were considered friends. That stuff is bad and horrendous..not going to lie. Yet losing a boyfriend/two friends in one weekend, she gained 3 new friends and has 3 dates from the loss of said boy candy. She received 20 messages on her FB saying how much she is loved and her sister (elder)took her to get nails done and lunch. I wish all my trials were met with those types of responses...I would beg for more trials. (Slow down there, I didn't mean literally. Smile.)
So that is what forty does...it shows you why one has acted a certain way for so long. I always hated seeing every little imperfection in life and always tended to want to see the good. Now if I could only get those around me to do the same...we would all be happy.............atleast I would be.
Go and be happy for a moment as I know I will.