Remember Who You Are...
"Remember who you are" is a common mom thing said all the time. But today I say that to all.
So my "second in command" is out in the world with her Highschool FFA club. She has been basking in the sun, visiting walnut farms, and generally having a high school experience I wish I had. That all changed last night at 1:50 in the early (did I mention early?) a.m. I get a call. "Mom, can I talk to you?" she says barely holding back the tears. Trying to come out of my groggy sleep I don't hesitate to say "yeah babe what is wrong?". She shares that a "good" friend was saying NOT "good" things about her behind her back and the sense of betrayal was overwhelming and was causing that sort of pain that is similar to a knife aimed true to ones' heart.
Let us get real, my first impulse was too climb through the phone and beat that so-called "friends" tush. But I knew this is the moment when a mom (wife, friend, sister) has to climb over the words "well she is just a...." and really give advice to stop the gaping wound and create a pivotal moment in life. "Wow." I said.
"I am sorry but there must be great things for you ahead in life for this trial to come along." (You get it? Trials make or break us. Sometimes both. But we always come out the victor if we want too!) "Remember WHO you ARE and do not let others define you FOR you."
She will make it. She comes from good stock. But it is hard. Whether it is your husband, boyfriend, friend, mum/dad who don't value you, it is hard. But the strength comes from deep down. Go there! Dig deep and find it. There is so much bull-droppings that we as women allow. (So no, not talking about those things we have no control over.) If we were all "who" we want to be, this would be a grand place to live. Dig deep. Go for it. What else do you have to lose?
Go and doitdoitdoitdoit......