Bad Mother....No Jacket
Bad Mother....that poor kid has no jacket! So here is the boy, teen, has in his possession FOUR jackets of myriad kinds. He has a ski jacket, a pea coat, a very cool Aunt Kady gift jacket, and what is the other one? Can't think. But all brand new. He also has in his possession a varied amount of sweat shirts. Pullovers, zip ups, snow boarder and Old Navy logos. I bring this up because we woke up to to BLOWING snow. The tumble weeds are a tumbling and the trees are a swaying. And my 14 year old has decided that he doesn't need a coat. Did I already tell about this? Well apologies if I have it is just that I am watching him go to the bus practically being blown away like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and I am lamenting how many mothers are judging me right now. Yes, you non-parent types will say force the little bugger. His rebellious streak (passive I might add) would be that he would carry it or take it off once out of sight and then it would end up being left in some random place never to be seen again. Besides, I don't have to suffer the consequences, he does. Free Agency. It is a gift and a curse. A cursed gift.
So I go back to the weather. It is my fault. Twice a year I bring on a storm or a heat wave. It is because I start to believe the weather as it is. I get comfortable. Then I pack up the gear. Meaning winter was gone. It struggled to show itself a few times and there were days that the "long and dreary world" really as that. I didn't think sun existed anymore, that stupid Al Gore was right. That there was a Global Warming such as the sun would never return. But it came back. It shone. It melted and delivered flower bulbs that peaked out of the ground. That was my cue. Pack up Winter!!!!! So in the storage went coats, hats, scarves, mis matching mittens. (Say that five times fast!) It was over a week's time but I finally got most of the Winter packed away. Out came some flip flops and shorts. I was wearing cardigans that were causing sweat it was so warm. (I know not sweat, perspiration...we are gals after all.) So that is my power. Winter gear all tucked away and now a snow/rain/ice storm with hints of wind that could chill the niblets off a tree. Don't ask where I got that analogy from. Anywho, I did this. I am the one.
So if you see a random tall skinny boy-man without a coat, don't blame the mother. He probably owns 3 or 4 coats and they are all tucked away for Summer!
So I go back to the weather. It is my fault. Twice a year I bring on a storm or a heat wave. It is because I start to believe the weather as it is. I get comfortable. Then I pack up the gear. Meaning winter was gone. It struggled to show itself a few times and there were days that the "long and dreary world" really as that. I didn't think sun existed anymore, that stupid Al Gore was right. That there was a Global Warming such as the sun would never return. But it came back. It shone. It melted and delivered flower bulbs that peaked out of the ground. That was my cue. Pack up Winter!!!!! So in the storage went coats, hats, scarves, mis matching mittens. (Say that five times fast!) It was over a week's time but I finally got most of the Winter packed away. Out came some flip flops and shorts. I was wearing cardigans that were causing sweat it was so warm. (I know not sweat, perspiration...we are gals after all.) So that is my power. Winter gear all tucked away and now a snow/rain/ice storm with hints of wind that could chill the niblets off a tree. Don't ask where I got that analogy from. Anywho, I did this. I am the one.
So if you see a random tall skinny boy-man without a coat, don't blame the mother. He probably owns 3 or 4 coats and they are all tucked away for Summer!