Email....Who Uses Email?

Email.....who uses email? This is what my teen, 2nd in command, says to me about a boy at school. "Ma, guess what?" she queries. "This very sweet, shy boy says to me that he wants to talk to me and send me an email?" She giggles.

Me, just getting on the technical train, am confused. I thought to myself what is wrong with email? "Maybe he doesn't have a phone?" I  say in my most motherly voice. Giggle, this time directed at me. "Ma, he does and no one uses email anymore, jeez like he wants to write me a letter or something." She shrugs as if I am ancient and there is probably nothing more she can say to me.

But I realized.....I don't answer my home phone because anyone important in my circle, will call the cell. I rarely use my email because someone will text or FB me. Most my communication is instant. Cannot imagine the teen with Twitter, FB, Instagram,  etc.

Me Prince Charming was away at a drum lesson. He didn't take a cell. And I had to call him by, get this, calling the mom's cell to call the boy's cell to ask Hubby to call home. I felt so pas say. As if I was using a typewriter or something!

I remember when I was growing up, if a question was asked, Dad would say "get out the Dictionary." Now it is "Google it".  Then we were proud owners of a line  of thick books called the Encyclopedias. The subject was given and the search to see what Letter it would be under. Once you found that you then searched pages to find the answer to ones' question.  Now you just enter "what is the size of a Zebra's toenail." And wallaa! Done. Answered. 

A dime in your pocket for pay phones, gas a whopping 65 cents, walking as a 2nd grader a mile with friends for  penny candy (yes it was a penny or dime or nickel!)  and the freedoms that came without electronics calling you away.

Ugh. I didn't realize that the "good ole' days" would be the demise of email.

Go and do and write an email.


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