Tumble and Fall......

Tumble and Fall...So addiction to changing furniture around is my nemeses. A few weeks back, I had the brilliant idea of moving a weight of a small dolphin cabinet to the basement. I mistook and fell down a few steps twisting the ol' spine as I went. But luckily there were four of us and I was okay except a pride thing and a backache. Fast forward to yesterday. We had decided to take the family computer that sits on a cute piece of large furniture and bring both computer and furniture down from the loft. Yes, down from the loft. As we are bringing down the furniture that is heavier then me, I decide that I am at the bottom of the steps instead of three from the bottom. Down I go along with the fluffy piece of furniture. I twist my spine and decide that my temple on my left side of the head should stop the fall for that lofty piece of wood. The furniture won. I felt what must be when a bat is hit upon someones head in anger. I wretched in pain, hallucinated a bit and actually feared that I might have to go to the emergency room.  But as the mother-code goes one must just "get up and buck up." Which I did splendidly. I bucked up for about 10 minutes and then went to bed for the day just waiting for my angels to usher me to the other side. But atlas, I was spared. Apparently I have more to do on this green earth. Today, the pain was less but I prayed that if my day is soon, come get me now. None done. Here. For awhile. I started, today, mixing up words alot in my head and had a bit of a worry as my head is still goosegged. But here is the gist of my story and it wasn't to garner sympathy it is to understand men. They like to say "it looks okay." "It's much better". "you are going to be fine." It is a commentary that men want their women to be okay. They worry so much that they come off sometimes as not caring. Actions show they care, words not so much. I was pampered and given drinks and Tylenol and whatever was needed. But the words were "I am sure it's not a concussion so you will be fine." I started getting mad. Holy Heck, I COULD HAVE DIED! Doesn't he know that! My body hurts, my head hurts, my foot stings. I should be in bed. But then I realized after the 5th time he said , "I am so sorry this happened to you" that the other comments were just him trying not to worry. Prince Charming. They worry enough about us and don't want to add more! So when you are sick in bed, sick of spirit, sick of life and you get a "you'll be okay." Translate that to "I am so worried about you that I can't handle it." Recognize that they love us so much that sometimes their words don't always translate. But as I always say it isn't the
"words that matter, it is the action." And my Prince showed me his love.

Go and do.



Rivmama said…
Many thanks.....should have had modular, probably safer!

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