It’s Memorial Day Here

It’s Memorial Day here in the United States.  I love facts darn-it. I love everything about how things came about so here is a little History for you all. Now it is just a USA kinda fact so for those of my 4 readers that do not live local, bare with me.  

After the Civil War “Decoration Day” was held to honor those on both sides of the fence….North and South.  This age-old Holiday comes heck or high water on the first Monday of the great month of May…Now, though, it is to remember those who have died in wars    but it seems to me that we use it as a day to remember our dead…warriors or not. Now according to good ole Wikipedia we are not to confuse it with Veteran’s day which is to honor Veterans it sole purpose is to remember those who fought the fight for our beloved country.

I love this day because when we drive by the cemeteries they are a glow with varied amounts of colored flowers and wreathes of all sorts and flags fluttering in the wind. It is always an awe inspiring sight. Most Headstones are decorated in some way and it is a plethora of color to behold.  We Northerners are good about small remembrance of those who have fallen. Now according to the internet, and ofcourse if it on the internet it is true, some Southerners (especially in the mountains it specifies) do it so much better. They have an all out party of sorts. It reads that they, family members, will come from 100’s of miles and gather around the grave of a fallen family members. They will often have a prayer and “renew” contact with the family members gathered. They put flowers on the graves of those long and not so long passed. Then they will do a pre-civil war tradition called “Dinner on the ground.” It is a potluck picnic replete with blankets and I am sure some fried chicken. Okay so maybe Northerners buying some cheap flowers at the Piggly Wiggly isn’t so grande……….I want me some fried chicken on a blanket surrounded by flowers and flags and friends both alive and dead. Doesn’t that sound so much better?

In our neck of the woods,  the local scouts put large flags in our lawn to celebrate….maybe I can gather the fam around on a blanket in the front yard and pretend I am a southerner?
Just wondering.

Well, I have a house to clean and some cemeteries to see.  Thanks to all those who gave their lives from the beginning of our great Country so that we have the freedom to celebrate them in the way we want. Heroes every one them!

Go and Honor our Military dead today! Even if it is a silent prayer of thanks.


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