The World of Temptation.......

The world of temptation....temptation is a funny thing. (Not haha funny, sad funny.) It seeps into our lives fairly unnoticed. It is excused away and justified easily. I know as I have a ongoing relationship with the lure labeled temptation. (But don't judge as we all do!)

I have found that with the advent of electronics devices that can be cupped in the palm of your hand and the ability to access any thought immediately on screen has become a easily obtain "temptation just a flick away". I ponder specifically upon the allurement of porn for the youth in our world and those husbands who have been pulled away from family values for a continual fascination with these visual stimulus. LET me be CLEAR,this is not a personal experience with any of my family members. Not that I am blind enough not to think it couldn't abide in my home, it just doesn't as of today. I ponder on some girls sharing experiences with me. A young gal mulled over how a friend who isn't allowed access to anything on the computer..a "good boy".... such as facebook etc lent his phone to her and she accidentally saw an app he hadn't closed. He was a boy that she had declared would "NEVER do this" and yet there on his phone was proof otherwise.  I have had friends who have perused their sons phones and found material unbecoming to their boys. (I am not being sexiest as girls have the same issues so this is where equality comes into play.) I have had daughters who have dated boys only to find out how much they, the males, struggle with the lure of nakedness. One boy was looking at it as he sat in our home with the family around! They find these things not just on "sites" that are specific toward sexploitation on home computers but on the every day apps that are parent approved. Almost any apps (not spoon feeding here but definitely insinuating to consider ALL apps) has now the ability for access to salacious material that doesn't serve those who are viewing it. 

We are the "Lions of our front door". We get to either prowl around the perimeters of our homes or sit on our back paws unawares. It is our choice! 
Do we interrogate those we are in charge of? Do we nose around the places that our children freely express themselves?  Do we believe that there is NO PRIVACY when it comes to watching over those we love? TAKE STEPS to protect those who you love. 
Today go and DO!


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