A Day?

A day?….So the Prince Charming and I have decided that we are going to get down and dirty and do a real budge-ey. In English it translates to budget. So being the miserably self imposed misers that we are, we set an amount. $50.oo a day for anything and everything. Now just a reminder here, there are 5 of us still under a roof that requires a mortgage….no the $50.oo is for gas, food, non-bill things. So as I stare at my refrigerator full of condiments, I contemplate what would go well with a dill pickle? Man, this is truly an exercise in self denial and to be really frank, all I can think about is a double layered hamburger with a side of massive fries. No, I don’t generally indulge in that but when it is that or a dill pickle with cream cheese……my fantasy of a burger wins out. So I shut the door to the Freezer and wonder if the pantry will offer up something more appetizing? No. Nada. Zipola. 

This “experiment” has made me a little crazy but a little happy as well. I now get up every morning and think to myself “Self, what shall we get at the store today.” I think out recipes and meals better and am more likely to get the things I need as the list is infinitely smaller then the “weekly” one I once would carefully write out and then promptly leave at home when I went to the Piggly-Wiggly. I feel like a European that takes the daily jaunt to the market to buy the day’s luxuries minus the Vino or cafe. It probably isn’t as exotic as all that walking down the aisle with the cart with a bad wheel making screeching noises……not European exotic at all. But still it helps me to really think “do I want this?” badly enough to deduct from my cash-o-la? Self denial when done with freedom is a good thing.

I have a little pad, left in the Van-go, that I write down my “spent” amount. I am gleefully enthralled over the amount that I had not used that day and write down what extra monies I can add to tomorrow’s little adventure! It is really fun.

I don’t know how long this little enterprise will last but for now it is rather exhilarating and excoriating at the same time.

But atlas it is time to get my little grubby hands on my cash and make my way to the Piggly Wiggly. Go and do and know that I still want a burger and fries!


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