Families Are A Hot Topic…...

Families are a hot topic. Our Clan members are either the bane of our existence or the joy of our very core. It is one or the other and oft times interchangeable at a moments notice. You know what I mean. Thanksgiving dinner and mama is being praised for her wonderful punkin, yes I did say punkin, pie and then the next minute the “girls” are complaining about how mother-dear always acts so immature. (Of course I am NOT referring to myself at all!) We love to brood over the pain of childrens’ choices (be they small or be they tall) or the bungled parenting of our elders. Let’s face it, we love discussing anything related to the topic of our Kin and their perceived failures or the real successes that they achieve.

When my Littlies were wee I would quip, “I am not saving up for their college, I am saving up for their Therapy…they have a lot to discuss about me!” It’s true. Not the saving part, they can buy their own therapy. But I won’t get it right. It’s not possible to be all things to all people. I can really suck at some things. But then again, I am really amazing at other things. So, when my old folks do something I hate or my children don’t live up to my expectations….Well I probably (not probably but for sure) do something someone hates and I PROBABLY (I set expectations low thus the word probably) don’t meet others expectations. Whad-da-ya-do? I eat chocolate and watch a little of the FIRST YEAR ONLY of Glee. 

Fams are forever…..it is a comforting thought to think we as families can be together forever even if we fight over who has the worst “mama story”! My children could win that contest but I am okay with that.

Go and do and love your Tribe!


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