“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you,a joy.” (Runi) Someone posted this on Facebook. But it spoke to me. Amongst the recipes and pictures of toddlers eating, this little nugget shined. Because it is true. There are many of us that hit the grindstone and give up those things that are the very essence of who we are. For those, this is dedicated.
I have a wee Maya-Papaya who loves to paint. I have noticed that if we sit down with her and put on “regulations” (i.e. do this, mix that, let us add this) she puts down her paints and decides that she needs to “go out and play with friends.” We have successfully stopped the river from flowing. Good parents that we often are. BUT if we hand over the tools needed,the boundaries we need enforced (old clothes, cloth on the table) then she shines like a midget Picasso. We are the same. We don’t need the “circle” to manage us. But oft times as married women with children….we avoid the river all together or barely dip our toes in the body of water. I know some who fully let the dam go and the water becomes a waterfall of ideas, projects, and successes. I admire them. I have a friend Erin C who is in constant change of creativity. (Yepo that is a shout out!) She breathes crazy bohemian funky style………LOVE iiitttt! Darn the world and pass the peas kinda girl.
I have come to believe we become more attractive when we do things from the soul. So find the passion whether it is small-fry Rembrandt or full on funk master. Do it…do it…and do it…oh and go and do it.