Back to the Ol' Grindstone...

Back to the Ol' With it comes the schedules, the book reports by yours truly (only helping of course) the nonsensical fees and the weary transportation of wee ones. I am now at that age where some of my friends are "empty Nester's" and some are just in the beginning of the journey of what we call school.

I am one that partakes of Summer completely. We have no schedules, no eating times, no bed time, and no nothing time. It is total decompression from the prior 8 months. Yes, my dear readers, I am THAT kind of mom. Oh, of course I didn't use to be. This occurrence began when I had more then one teen at home. The littlest always went to bed on time but the older ones, not so much. By the time I had a 18, 16,13 year old the 11 year old was "in like Flynn". How can you have popcorn and midnight showing of Monsters Inc in the Living Room without the Papaya Girl? No. You cannot! So movie nights, bbq's, show tunes...aaaahhhh SUMMER!

Atlas, all good things come to an end and now my friends, school has begun. Every year, and I share this not to be criticized but to confess, I get the first day of school wrong! I glance at the calender and insert a date into my steel trap of a mind and there it sticks. School starts the 21st. I hold onto that date as the day of reckoning or D-Day!  And always, yes always, it is the 19th or a few days before I anticipated! This doesn't make me less of a mom..................just a mom in denial.

So now we are off to the schools with the secretaries shaking their heads in dismay. I am in a long line of ma/pa in denial of the end of a time we all cherished.  But one must carry on. And so I will be more mindful of writing as my days now will be full of nothing to do now that my babies are gone all day and I need to speak to someone. Why not the Universe? Good as any!

Go and do and sharpen those #2 pencils because SCHOOL IS IN!


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