Artificial Life....

 Artificial Life.....Do you wonder if the actual life you are living is the life you really want to be living? I wonder what makes the difference between those who are living a life that is full of rich material and interactions with the energy of life and those who live in the box neatly set out for them as a child. We go towards the "powerful pull of the familiar" as a rule of human kind but is that pull bringing you towards your authentic life? 

I ponder this.......

I find spattering of authenticity in my life. Husband, children., redoing bedroom decor. Those are things that make my life real and true but what else? I will confess that since 15 or so of age that I dearly desired a small sparkling diamond pricked into my nose to wear as a sign of who I feel inside. I have yearned to find that amazing red lipstick that were seen in the movies by the glamour gals of the 1950's and wear it without shame..  I simply have adored pointed heels that were the epitome of Goddesses such Marilyn Monroe. Those are the things that can billboard who I am. Unconventional with a twist betwixt the feminine and the Gothic. But that is the billboard what about the insides?

I have had a love story with reading and writing since I was a lass. I didn't know that I should of pursued that even while living in the box I chose to live in. I thought with sedulousness that  museums and flower gardens and trips to Vietnam would pepper my life. I just knew that I could combine the granola girl writer with the so sophisticated red lipstick wearing , pointy shoes, beautiful goddess who has a cache of pearls and turquoise. That was the life I thought I would have.

I chose the box. No regrets. The box offers family dinners, cheating at Miniature Golf and being loved enough not to be called out, family trips stuffed into a car full of luggage, authentic real life relationships. I think though there is a way to marry the two lives together to have one blissful life. Time and season for all things but maybe, just maybe I will start wearing that red lipstick to carpool and maybe a little "super glue" and diamond can go a long way at PTA.

So think of how the box life and the authentic life can be combined as that in lies the real joy in life.
go and do and do it with ruby will thank me.


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