Late Night Drives…...

Late night drives……..I am a peeping Tom. Yes, I am sure I have divulged my A.D.D  of having to whip my head around to glimpse into the open windows as we go for night drives. I am beckoned by the glow of white lights shining  through uncovered windows that almost invite you into homes for a second or so. There is almost always a blue-green blare of a television bouncing off walls in a room or two and the casting of shadows against the decorated walls. The decor is fun to peek at as we speed by but it is the people that I see that hold a fascination.

As a self professed Peeping Tom of drive by windows, I think that more often then not there is a story to be told just by the sighting.  An old man, alone in the room, in a worn rocker transfixed by an oversized television. A drive way strewn with cars and people of all ages at a family gathering where the noise level is almost discernible from the enclosed vehicle I am in.  A small child jumping on their daddy's shoulders. A gathering at the Family Dinner Table.  Dark windows where the inhabitants are asleep or gone to some "outing".  I might see a cat lazing on a couch or a yappy dog that would never be owned by me!!! Untold stories.

I can feel, when driving at dusk and the last part of the day is beginning for those that I spy on, a warm safe feeling. I feel as if everything is right with the world.  I could go as far as saying that If it is just at the right time or right Holiday season it can feel equivalent to a warm cup of cocoa. And I like cocoa.

So go and do some of your own Tom Peepery. I dare you!


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