Stupid Woman….

Stupid Woman…..I try not to say words like stupid. It, was a swear word when I had a young family. But I have sat on this for awhile now and I just think "stupid woman"!!!  

So I am prowling Facebook and someone posted a blog about how "repulsive" it is that some older woman saw her at the grocery store trying to corral her little ones without success. This older and let us say wiser gal said the age old line "you are going to miss these days." The young mother threw up unkind words about how dare this lady say things when she is in the mist of diapers, naps, crying kids. What happened to the Chinese way of respecting our Elders who have gone through the very things the younger crowd is doing? If this older mom is saying it, then she obviously loves, loves her children and had perspective. Right? Let us say it again, perspective. When our older generation of sisters say that, THINK about it!!!! The words are not "your going to miss crying, lack of sleep, and laundry". It is miss going places with the children in tow. Miss the bond that is eventually broken a little when they are married. Miss the ability to converse on your terms not your children's. You will miss the seeing little size 2 panties and miss not seeing Spider Man outfits being worn to the grocery store. You will miss not being back talked too and being unconditionally loved.

Here is the 411 gals, the family, while still amazing when there are grown uppers, is not the same once children are out of childhood. It just cannot be. So it isn't.

So next time you think some old gal is nosing her muzzle in your business and you are soooo irritated you have to blog about it, take my advice. "Don't be a stupid woman!" Take time in your sister's wisdom that was offered by experience and in love. Because one day, stupid woman, IF YOU do it right, you will be whispering to some haggard mama "Your going to miss these days."

go and do.


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