The Journey With Others……..

The Journey with others….Is an interesting journey to say the least. 

We have expectations of who others should be.

Not always right.

But my bestie and I had a convo today about how we all set our expectations of others and what their lives SHOULD look like. But the journey they take is so much more different looking then ours so how can we, in good conscience, judge their outcome? Look, I am not perfect. I was born with a big ol' observational defect. I observe EVERYTHING. Holy cow, it is a curse. I see things that others just don't notice. I was recently at a wedding where a couple who was living together was seated at my table. When the amazingly stunning bride took to the dance floor with her prince charming, the gal at my table leaned forward and was singular focused on the the storybook beginning in front of her eyes. A wish, I think, she was wishing. The "boyfriend" took this opportunity (only time I observed during the 3 hour time frame) to be a bit of a rascal and joke with his friend sitting by him and being a bit disrupting and avoiding any maximum time watching the couple take their first dance together. See I observe.

So when I see others not "doing" what I THINK THEY SHOULD BE DOING, who am I? I am learning a bit late in life that to see the REAL reason people do things! The trick in judging others is not only to see the true reason they do or act a certain way but to love them in spite of those reasons. 

My bestie said that within their church there are people who think of those who have left the church should "just get over your hurt/attitude/etc and get back to church." It's that simple. But it isn't . There are hurts that go bone deep. There are reasons, maybe not valid to others, but valid to themselves that make people do the things they do. 

So go and observe and after that go and love.


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