In The Proverbial Box….

In the proverbial box…..We all fit in a box. Rather that is the box our family has put us in, religion, Neighborhood, income bracket, friends, etc. There are those that feel at home in that box. Yet some of us want to break free and be of the hemp shirt mentality. The free to be me kind of life. 

The freebie me life is great if it entails a diamond nose stud, Birkenstocks  and veganess life. It wears well. But I surmise even Vegan, hemp wearing, VW driving peeps can feel in a box.  And if that attitude is extended to all, it may not wear as well on bizarre people who enjoy gutting cats and bopping field mice on the head for shear entertainment. 

L:fe cannot contain chaos. No home/school/business/finances have ever run well if running amok. But living inside a tightly sealed tupperware type of existence excludes all the wonderfulness that the world has to offer. Walking a thin line also doesn't allow for longevity. There are those who love the box and those who love outside the box. I ponder about us who like both sides of the fence?

If you read me at all, you will note this has been a running theme. Even at my ripe ole' age, I struggle. For over 35 years I have longed for a nose diamond piercing. Never did it in my youth, my one regret. Now approaching over the hill hood, I want one. But IS it like old ladies wearing leggings……just say NO if you over 18!!! Will the box judge me? Do I care? IS it really now something I want or is it the mere fact that I am approaching the half way mark and this is something I wanted.

I have friends who have flitted back and forth from box to non boundaries and back. That's the deal. They come back! We cannot survive in chaos well. I have friends who, when outside, did permeant things that didn't turn out so great. Old enough to sign the consent form, dumb enough to do it. haha. 

So, as I ponder a small gleaming nose stud, I also ponder is it me scratching to get out? Or is it me facing the fact that the box, though not of my complete choosing, is a really comfortable place to be? Stay tuned.

Oh and go and do!


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