if the soiree doesn't fit, you must quit. OR at least change plans. My cute 2nd in command is getting hitched in a very short time. Yet absolutely nothing is coming together. NO inspirations, no hala-thank-the-universe moments, the decor not coming together, the place we were holding it may not work out! I was thinking that maybe if I just sleep alot, inspiration will come. It hasn't .
My mother showed up at my doorstep. Concerned that this little get together just got another snag, she came to bear the bad news of said snag and see if I knew about it. I did. I decided the best thing to do was to get out of bed and put on my "cowgirl" boots on. Master Soiree is changing it all up. I told my little bride-to-be we are doing this, that, and a dash of it. We are going to see if we can change it up to something different. The mindset was that this little pumpkin had Pinterest visions. But it lacked something. And I knew it. But when we are in knee deep of our mental process, it is hard to see anything else. And so we had to take a step back and have a new view.
Life is like that.
Due to the Sabbath, we were unable to confirm certain things that would let us know if the changes were a possibility. We went over adjustments to the impending nuptials regardless. This little union needs a new face. So, we gussied it up with new ideas and our spirits were lifted. This is how I know good decisions are made. The way things seem to always hit a dead-end and then a deviation of plans create a new energy of happiness.
So never mind that I have just a few weeks to put on a soiree of union of two kids, I can do it. Nothing is impossible........so they say.
So go and do and know a soiree of any magnitude can be done if the thinking process is right. ..........or so I hope!