MENTAL HEALTH DAY.....Image result for image of straight jacket

I needed a mental day away. I work with several "micro-managers" who are Team Mates and not moving up any where in the company. Due to the structure of this company, you only move up if you have schooling. So these blessed co-workers have hit the proverbially glass ceiling and are at the pinnacle of their careers here at the palace of employment. Having micros is a blessed curse. Things get done and they are wonderful source of information and education. Yet, I am all about freedom. So having a younger non-supervisor- just- a- team- member come to me and try to direct me in the way he wants whilst making customers wait so that his way is done is just plain ludicrous. The other day I came to work and I did all the procedures set up by the company. Yet, due to the scarcity of customers and the "no-need-to-do" this person's way of doing things, I didn't. He made a customer wait 10 minutes plus for a 2 minute process.(It would have been even lengthier had I not called him about it!) All because he wanted to make me do HIS procedure. I text my Supervisor and said I had to go home right then. I knew if I didn't I may go off and something in me may have broken if I had stayed the day.

I got up the next morning and just couldn't do it. I had to make a change. It is scary because I make good money and it allows some really wonderful freedoms. But my mental capacity was brimming and I think I might have severed a essential brain connection or two by dealing day in and day out with a few who desired to rule the kingdom in which they were servants of. Straight jacket or bed?
BED was my choice. But doors don't close without a window being opened. A friend called me out of the blue....can you work at this one place for a short while that is completely fitting of your personality? It is afar from your abode but the slight pay increase will compensate. Start on Monday?You mean leave a job I have labored over and over and established a routine, healthy or not? My name is on the door, can I leave that?

Yes. Life hands out gifts when we give up really hard things to give up. IT is often not wrapped pretty and is delayed by the post but it comes. I arrived this a.m. to my office being a mess and used for storing when I was away on my mental-health days. It was a sign. 

I couldn't have taken this new position, or any position for that matter without working here at this place for 9 months. It was a stepping stone that has served me in many areas. Yet, when one has to get away to protect sanity, it is probably best to move on. (Ofcourse there is more to the story but this is the highlights of it all...)

So go and do and decide ...straight jacket..or...bed. 


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