
Wayfair! It's my new favorite place to shop. And I am missing my Prince Charming for a day which allows me a little more freedom to FEEL like I can be a little more creative. So, I got <strong>New Pacific Direct</strong> Metropolis Side Chair (Set of 4)really creative and bought 8 chairs! Aren't they fabUlous?!!

Sometimes, I think, we as gals want our cute Princes to be apart of our decision making. We ask what they think about buying this or that. Do they think that this paint color would look good, what would be good for dinner, how about this outfit for the baby, etc. 

I have come to believe that those who don't ask and who are married to Princes that don't care are happier. Don't get me wrong, it is important that we relate to our Charmings in a way that keeps us both on the same page. YET, I think that most Charmings care.....but really don't. I think they say no to our paint colors and no to our ideas because we asked them. And they go to that logical land of sovereigns that say that will cost money or my time and isn't the pukey beige paint good enough (?)(and think of the time to put in just to paint) and new chairs means money that is better spent on fast food and movies.

I know I have shared this somewhere in the past but my cute Monarch had opinions that were a bit contrary to my own regarding an abode we resided in long ago. So, I stopped asking and just did. He had good reasons to say no. I wanted to paint the doors black and he wasn't keen on the idea. I compromised and painted the pantry door black and it looked really fantastic. I insisted on painted rooms the color I wanted whilst he was out ruling the kingdom. I did such a horrific job he consented to just painting the rooms over and doing a professional look to them that I could not achieve myself. I bought one new doorknob a month and eventually had replaced all the handles in the house. The outcome was one that worked for a young family with littlies. (I posted the original utube video when we had it up for sale on this blog and luckily we sold it quickly sold it.) I loved that house. It isn't what I would do now, but it represents me working hard to please King and kingdom and finding joy in doing it. I also realized , after moving, that I did things (albeit slowly) my way and now I look back at a happy home in which my small children had created memories and the Rajah of the home loved how his surroundings looked. 

So end of a long story, do what you want (with restraint) and ruler and land will be happy!

Go and do!


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