Back in Time...

Back in time...sometimes I wish I could go back. Back to the hectic nights of putting little ones, dressed in sweeping princess nighties or Ninja Turtles P.j.'s, back to bed for the 6th time. Back to the time a trip to the dollar store could make a bad day good. Back to when dinners were all about singing songs as we all put "out" the dinner items. Back in time a cuddle could cure all.

My prince says often "I would give my left arm for just one more week with them when they were small."  Don't get me wrong, the grown up side is awsome. But different. There are still occasional songs being sung in the kitchen and every so once in awhile a trip to the dollar store can be okay. It is I though that has to go to bed early. And I am  the only one brave enough to wear Ninja Turtles, if I could only find them in my size. 

I have worked for almost a year and though it is a necessary, I have hated it. I have missed out on the last years of having people live with me. I have finally finished my contract and though it has been a hardship, I have appreciated the late night talks with my remaining teens. Their ability to scope me out and speak about random things. I have appreciated their gratitude in having dinner on the table and the ability to talk to me about anything that crosses their mind. I still get up around five. Not to go to work but to see the kid-lets off for the day, a little breakfast for them and some good counsel. I will have to find work soon. But I have faith that, just as I gave up things for feety pajamas and felt like I didn't miss much, that will be the same for my teens and I now. I will give up a lot but I won't miss much. And that, for me, what is important.

Go and do.


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