passivity blah-sivity

Passivity blah-sivity....I cannot and I mean CAN'T, CANNOT, WILL NOT handle passivity. It's that passive way of not saying what really wants to be said. The dancing around the issue the expectation that it is easier to not voice what one really wants to say but instead whispers a lie. Because that is what the unsaid is. Nature abhors a empty space. So when we don't say what we really want too, we expel a sentence or two that is wholly untrue. It is the need in a passive person to be liked, avoid conflict, not trusting in oneself. Yet if the realization only was adhered too, one would realize hiding the truth (that is what is being done, by the way) is creating exactly what they don't want. The receiver of the bile that is being tossed their way, is frustrated and sub-consciously angry or confused. It is the mix messages that create havoc in the listeners brain. It is far better to be in conflict and not be liked then to really not be appreciated or trusted because lies have a way of flowing into the sub-cranium and once there, the meter of trust is gone. I know that when, on occasion, I have had people say they like something I am wearing. But I  know that it looks awful and that I am wearing it for the day just because of no other items to wear or just in a hurry or just don't care. But if I get a compliment, I know they are just saying that. 

So be brave. Tell the truth. You may lose friends, you may have conflict, and heck you may even be disliked. But it is far better to release the truth and be real then to fake a situation and have it not work out. Suzy Orman, I hope I spelled it right, a financial adviser says be real about your finances. If you aren't realistic then you cannot solve the problem. Tell people your business. Be real. Then it can be solved. This is good life advice. Everyone, whether they say it or not, appreciates knowing the reality of any situation. So take that step if you are a passive peep. Be brave. Say truth. Be real. (Now it goes without saying, since you read this blog, that being kind is always the first step to being real. Right?!) 

Go and do and do not, I mean DO not, be passive. Good day to ya!  


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