FitCon 20 something offshoot is "way into" body building and being young is able to devote much time and energy to it. She looks amazing and works hard for her goals. She is working for a company that showcased at Fit Con. This consist of a huge convention for hardcore work out people. I cannot relate. Just saying. I get over exerted just carrying bags of mulch to my flower beds. I get a lot of my work out just searching vigorously for the television remote control. I get work outs furiously writing in my journal or debating with Prince Charming why he is wrong and I am right. This whole six pack thingy is as foreign to me as eating cheap chocolate.

A woman I know is in her 40's and posted her before (picture in the hospital giving 19 years ago) and now. It is the typical American selfie. Workout bra with tight leggings that have sheer sides to them. A "fake and bake" tan from the local tanning salon. Long hair. Muscles that can only be achieved by steroids or 7 hours daily gym pass. Do I sound a little jealous? Okay, the ability to not have cellulite to carry around and jeans with a size that may start with zero is somewhat wishful thinking on my behalf. The judgment, get out of town IT is judgment, is that I see this grown a_s woman taking selfies of herself in her closet and forgetting to put on her wedding ring. Hey now, don't get up in my grill about right to chose and at least she is healthy!! I know what it takes to become who she is and the achievement time... body maybe healthy but knowing some background circumstances, the soul needs a little work on it time. I am thinking her grownish up teen son maybe a little self conscious about mama in skimpy clothes , in her closet, minus wedding ring, and may wish for a little more nurturing. NOW , get over yourself and don't think I am a hater. We are allowed to SEE and SAY things for what they are. Of course women should get to do things that they need  to do for self love and improvement. Yet, when there are hard bodied gals doing to twenty something selfie stanch, I quibble about the need for for some fluffiness.

 I dare one of  you to dismiss the idea ,that when flu has riddled the body and nostrils are raw from blowing, that the downiness of a soft droopy breasted chest and fleshy arms wrapped around you , petting your hair like a canine,  is much more needed then rock hard abs and sun tan grease. There is something magical about mama flab when your feeling down and just need a squish. The need to sit with mama, at age 19, while eating ice cream at midnight while discussing the intricacies of life over shared toppings are memories that fluffy mamas get to have. (Somehow celery sticks just don't cut it!) It is indeed a comfort to be nuzzled into a warm inviting flesh when life is getting us down. The nestling of a mother's love is a warmth that comes from cellulite gained by home baked cookies and snack runs. I grab the overabundance of tummy and pinch a part of it for each child and say "this is from cub" , "this is from firstborn".

I do believe that there is a happy medium to achieve in life. Not selfie closet person and not fluffy mama gal. It actually comes down how we love and do we make time for those loved ones? What we focus on in life is what becomes our focus!!! If we are spending hours at the gym or in front of the television, make sure that those we adore know it by the time we spend with them!!!

Go and do.


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