You will miss these days....

You will miss these days.....everyone says to  young parents. I have been told that AND will full honesty, I have said that. Now that I am a "Happy" and my 2 year old grandlittle is staying with me on a short vacation, I can testify that is a true statement. And a false one.

Let me explain.

The joys of an active 2 year old running around the house has actually changed the movement of the home. How we all act and interact with each other. She has brought life and bustle to our staid environment. We go outside several times a day. We move around the house in several rooms that use to remain spic-and-span. The pure joy on her face as she see something see loves. Awakening to a soft voice tugging at my blankets in the wee hours, hearing "Happy, Happy". Her replaying over and over the ending music to "Despicable me" and dancing to it as if she has just heard it for the first time. Her snuggled in bed saying "Gro" and me replying we "aren't going anywhere". "Gro" she says again and again. Then I get it, she wants to "Minion" doll we bought her from "Despicable Me" where the head character is Gru. (So anything to do with that show is Gru.) Her skyping with her parents and grabbing the phone like a grown up. Seeing her little bum at bath time.  Her big hugs and wet kisses. The ability to talk to her the whole time we are shopping. Her laughter is magic. Her looks entrancing. Her sweet soul addicting.

The false part of missing "those" days is the sheer lack of energy. Cleaning up spilled milk on the carpet. Telling the child for the 100th time to stop feeding the dog. Watching her every minute of the day that she isn't sleeping. Cleaning up one mess WHILE she is making another. Giving her a bath and putting her in freshly launder pajamas and then walking outside and within seconds sitting in a mud puddle. Again, telling her to stop feeding the dog! Waking up at 6:15 a.m. every morning come rain or shine. Taking syrup out of her hands as she has once again raided the pantry. Watching the same movies over and over and over and over and over again. Absolutely no time to myself.

So yes, I can say from experience you will miss these days and you won't.

But Prince Charming has noted that I haven't been this happy in a long time! So I vote for missing those days.

Go and do.


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