Back by Hook or by Crook! So I had been educated that my poor little blog was going to be done away with due to Google changes. It was okay because I was in a dark place, a lot of changes, and actually not able to get a grip on positivity. (Yes, I used that none word!) 

I had gone through the whole "is my life worth it" syndrome and barely got a yes by the skin of my teeth as they say.


The problem with aging is that you become less the  " I will conquer the world" girl and more "what in the world do I do now" old gal.  Children are moving on and 
purposes change. Needs change. Bodies change. The end game becomes so much closer then expected. 

But more later.

All I know is now that I am beginning the last chapter of my life, I can still blog on Blogger. How lucky am I?

Go and do and we will catch up tomorrow over a hot cocoa!


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