Angry Face

Angry Face....I was watching my little grandchild (Shuga Bean) for a couple of days. Her little body was sprawled out on her back with arms flung all over the couch, as if she had spent the day slaying dragons. I, in my Happy (my name) voice , ask if my little Shuga Bean is tired. She instantly flips over and rest her chin in her hand and says, "No Happy, I am just little angry."
My cubby boy called me today. "Ma, I don't know what it is but I just feel really belligerent lately." (Haha, he said angry but it sounded better the way I interpreted it!) Now imagine the chillest of surfers who has "golden locks" and sometimes is confused in mid sentence due to complete free and easy attitude. He is delightful. Imagine him angry!
Long and the short of it? That is why I didn't write yesterday. My thoughts are leaning on the caustic side. This is not me. I am a positive and happy person per nature. (Full disclosure, not that way with Prince Charming but everyone else....he may debate on that but I know I am a titch more negative with him!)
Is it media? Is it the general feel of our Country? Is it my life in general? Is it the weather? Is it my 1.85 acres full of trees that need love?
I am not sure why I am so acrimonious but I know that I only desire to put out positive in life if I can. My emotional roller coaster of zipping to criticism and irritability is an emotion I don't want to feel let alone convey!
C.S. Lewis said , "Feelings, and feelings, and feelings. Let me try thinking instead." (Love this!)
So if you are feeling overtly angry and willing to lash out, privately thinking sentences you would never say aloud, wanting to rip out the eyeballs of anyone who rubs against you in the grocery store, your not the only one.
Go and do and try thinking instead!