PD LIVE .... I am sure I have shared before. My secret or maybe not so secret indulgence is "Live PD" which is a show airing over the weekend with cameras following Police Departments across the U.S of A. 

Drugs bring out the stupid in people. They are brought and glued together by the very substance that is killing off their minds, bodies, and lifestyles. Their belligerent toward others and the very men and women who are out there protecting them.
These people use the foulest of language and live in the squalor that seems unlivable sometimes. They use weapons like toys and share dirty needles. They are easy liars and deny the obvious.

Drugs are an addiction that, I am sure, is hard to kick once started. It is a love that you hate and crave or so it seems. But as I struggle with the flu that is really debilitating, I indulge in the quagmire of a country under seize by meth, alcohol, and a myriad of vices. And I think to myself, we need to dust the ceiling fans for dust.

Go and do.


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