Stand and Be Counted!

Stand and be counted....our world is becoming a place of blurred lines. What use to be very clear of right and wrong and what is acceptable has turned to "fluid" anything. Have you ever met anyone that has never had boundaries, never told no, never had anything expected of them? They don't have much substance to them. They are very malleable. They can change to succumb to any instant gratification. What is this current trend? Anything to be noticed. 

I had the chance to meet a young man who is looking for "Mrs.Right". He told me of this one gal who he met online and after a few days of entertaining text and sharing, he thought she was FAB! He couldn't wait for their planned date. He arrives, in clean clothes (he is a bachelor so clean is a big thing!) and arrives at her house thinking how cool she seemed online. He, upon arriving at her house, vanquished any good will he had succumbed to. She was already way deep into the "buzz" of alcohol and after an hour suggested going to a bar with fake identification. He passed, after all he was still a month away from legal. The next day the once hopeful mi amour sent an illustration of her previous night. Replete with a picture of a stranger she met and went home with. Really? Are we in a society where it is considered good to tell a perspective LOVER that you hooked up with a stranger and by the way here are pics of us dancing?

Boundaries ARE needed. We are not given any rights just because we are born. If that was the case many countries would be better off. We don't get to be and act and do anything just because we have a living spirit. Only the society that look for the good of the whole instead of the individual will survive. READ the headlines. We are failing. But there is  hope. Stop listening to the world that is shouting do anything and praise those who are willing too. START looking towards those who should have recognition. NOT the gender fluids. What the *%$()!? Or goodness the Kardashians.(I don't even care how their name is spelt.) Look and honor our military. Our teachers. Our politicians who fight against giving away freedoms. The parents striving to give their children  morals and values. Those who help out when they are hurting themselves. We pay good money to see, follow, buy stuff from meaningless people and we let those who deserve more slip through the cracks. 

Just decided it is all nonsense and nonsense it is. Stand and BE COUNTED> Go and do.


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