Piece of Pie

Piece of pie.....I have a young person in my life who approached me with a dilemma. This lil' whipper snapper was always deferring to others to have insight into them self. It was becoming something of a issue that this person was reaching out to others to find that "core" inside of them.

I said, "It is like giving a piece of pie to someone and then allowing them to dictate the rest of the pie." They may have received the best slice of the pie or the worst! It is because they don't have the whole picture, they absolutely cannot be allowed to dictate what the "whole" looks like. They have partial parts of the larger picture. They do not have all the elements to judge you into changing into something that is not you!

Then I imparted this question, " Who better then YOU to know how to be/act/etc then you?????????"

I then posed, "It is like being a college professor who has taught a class for years and then he starts randomly calling up students, that will only in his class for a short while, to start teaching others." The professor knows what needs to be done but is insecure so looks to others to accomplish what he is suppose to obtain! Not to  mention he is rightfully given the power and the knowledge to dictate that class! It is the same for us! We have a right to decide who we are and not turn to others for the "go ahead"!

Bad behaviors, bad whatevs', put that on the back table....we must be corrected in that sense. But if we a good people and we are doing our best then we are the person to turn too....

Do people say we are fake when we aren't? Too loud or not loud enough? To kind or to aloof? Not smart or to smart? Pretty or no so much? These are all things we are given at birth and we should enjoy what makes us ..... well us! 

I have great teeth but child bearing chubbiness. I am super friendly but hold back a lot until I know you. I am emotionally smarter then many but book dumber then most. I have literally no memories for the most part but I do live in the moment. I go against my nature so that I can love others and do for others. But I get overwhelmed easily when I do that.

These are some things people love or hate about me but I don't care. (Said in a kind voice.) I don't look to others to define me as I have already taken on that task myself. So please go and do and know that you are the creator of you and don't give that away so easily!


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