EMPTY NEST....OH MY! If I was writing on paper, you would see the tear stains from my uncontrollable crying. The lost of my little caboose to adult hood and the awful realization that I am "that old" all at once is a BIG WHAMMY for motherhood.
When I started this blog, I reminisced (and lived!) about the days of peanut butter, car pool, pencil searching for homework and bath/bedtimes. My days started early and ended in exhaustion. I wore thrift clothes and struggled to make finances work and schedules met. Prince Charming and I had to navigate the maze of ever changing relationship due to the ever changing life. Searching for run-away-pets, part time jobs for Christmas money, laundry by the loads, feeling isolated and alone sometimes. Managing two different carpools at the same time. Wondering how to do Algebra and forgetting anything to do with English. (Momma Brain, it is real!) Hoping that 5 hours sleep will suffice for the following day. Stains on every piece of clothing. Forgetting the last time there was a shower and realizing that maybe I hadn't gone to the loo in forever. Wondering how to come up with a new menu idea for on the cheap. Feeling like a non human sometimes. Stitches and enforcing curfews. Worrying and praying. Looking at empty kitchen cupboards and managing food shopping. Planning holidays and taking food to sick neighbors. Teaching that God and family are what matters in life. Weight gain. Vacuuming and endless dishes. Teaching to walk, talk, be kind, how to pray, how to resolve conflict, how to live in the world, how to show compassion, how to be a good human being if so chosen. A blur of life.