Like a Chain Saw
Like a chain saw....I am old enough now to confess that Prince Charming snores like a chain saw. (He is working on it medically.) It was kind of loud this morning so up at 4:30 a.m. to sit on the couch and munch on food and Court T.v.
It reminds me of my pop, he left this world last year. As a youngling, I would often hear his loud boisterous night sounds echoing through the floor. In and out as if he was bear hibernating for the winter. I could never understand how my hobbit of a mama could slumber through that but I loved it. It made me feel safe. I knew my dad was there. It was nice.
Fast forward. The comfortable feeling is replaced by bags under the eyes. I often recall, when I am up early morning grog fest time, that it could be worst. There was a time that Littlie grandbaby was staying with us and loved to sleep in our room on a her own made to order mattress. I would awaken to a cacophony of sounds. The 4 year old wheezing with a sweet slumber while Prince Charming was Big Bear Ben and let us not forget the dog snorting away. A forest of sounds.
Then the day came I realized that I had a dry mouth whilst asleep. The day has come that, I too, have a snuffling problem. So now , when awakened from Slumberland, I do not judge. As I have joined the ranks of mouth breathers.
It is a cruel day.
But go and do!