Birds' EYE

 Birds eye perspective. You know the saying from "FROM A BIRDS EYE VIEW"? Well, I think that sometimes we need the bigger focus on the things that we see, hear, and think. It is easy to get in a bubble and think the thoughts that are floating around there and then become the target of our thinking.

Example, you ask? I remember a mother.....wait...more info is needed. I belong to my religious affiliation in which a Bishop serves not only to help the church (and others) community but our youth. A youth may go in and, depending on the sin, can counsel without parents if asked by said youth.  A mama had started becoming very disenchanted with the governing "Brothers" for their lack of interest in her son. She approached them a few times asking that her son be able to serve as his counter parts were. She received the likable answers that made her hope go up that her little guy (teen) would not be overlooked. But he was. Her bubble of thoughts became so overwhelming that her offspring was not be "counted" and those very thoughts made her become less active. I, having a bigger picture, asked her if  what may be happening was, due to some of his youthful actions, he was not allowed to serve. And instead of them ignoring her very dear child, they were keeping his confidence and loving him through whatever was at hand. She knew immediately that was a more likely scenario. And was grateful that these men, possibly,  were watching out and nurturing her son and not ignoring him. She was able to burst that preverbal bubble and see thru the thoughts that were surrounding her. She felt that this bigger look was more feasible.

We All need to take a higher view of things. The world is getting tweaked by ......................,...............,.............,. (Insert all that we are getting thought bombarded with!) We need to be able to assert that our instant thoughts may not be the true situation. It is like my friend Dewey always said, "Don't take down a fence until you know what it was put up for."

Go and do and be rational. We can use a little of that these days.


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