Chicken Crossed the Road
Chicken crossed the road... We had, at the very last minute, decided to drive to Florida to see some of our Littlies. It was an interesting week. The drive there didn't seem so repetitious and really went smooth. We arrived on a very pleasant day and embraced those we loved, enquired as to what was to eat, and preceded to vacation!
The week was filled with jobs to help our little mama in residence, playing with the grand-littlies, relaxing, playing games , shopping and of course the day at the beach. Yes, grievously, the warm beach days were limited to just that, muy pequeno.
The shining moment was arriving at a very beautiful upscale restaurant for a meal of wish-for seafood. Get this, the posh place has its' own little beach complete with hammocks and floor games and toys for the kiddos to play with in the sand. The calamari was exquisite....having only had it at your regular "Red Lobster" or such! The entrees madly dug into. We were surrounded by boats and the dock and Pelicans. So amazing and the sunset! Get out of here! (Sidebar, always bring a jacket whilst enjoying the heat source of the sky going down near ocean water. FREEZING!) Rookie mistake.
The visit came to an end to soon for my taste. But life always calls you back. So pack up our meager things, we did.
Now the chicken. I have been on a water drinking frenzy. (Yes, dear readers, there is a story behind that water.) And so, Prince Charming, found himself stopping at every "REST STOP" IMAGINABLE! Oh boy, could I do a coffee book on rest stops in the South! I digress. Having void my bladder several times, I realized I was famish. Prince said let us go to Popeye Chicken. Fast food, never been, said good. Literally as we pulled into the CHICKEN only food driveway, there was a Rooster ! He was strutting back and forth cockadoodling his little heart out! I felt like he was protesting for the lives of the chickens! Back and forth, back and forth! If he only had a hand held poster, the vision would have been complete. Once in a lifetime to see that! But happen it did.
So when life has you down, think of that Rooster strutting back and forth protesting the lives of his ladies.
Go and do!