On the Lam...

 On the lam....not literally but figuratively. I came from "Happy Valley." Loved it for so many things. One of the plus sides was that we knew everybody and that seems like an exaggeration but no, it isn't. I never felt alone, without help, or never once thought what IF such and such happens, who would I call? I had a myriad of people to call if butter was needed, a pick up from the tire center was required, fixing something, an errand run. I knew I had "peeps" and I didn't suffer from loneliness no matter where I was or what I was doing.

The rub? Everyone knew everything about us. Laying outside to sun? Text saying "saw you getting some sunshine." Not at church? A friend stops by to check on me. ALL blessings. Yet, I was starting to feel overwhelmed by not having any anonymity after 20 some years.

We migrated to the South and after three years, I can say I know hardly anyone! I appreciated the ability to be a recluse. We kept ourselves busy bringing a dying house back to a glory state by hard work and smart financing. Despite my misgivings, to my happy surprise, we were so lucky to host friends and family several times throughout the last 3 years! 

I started thinking that it is almost as if  I have been living like I was on the lam, a fugitive from friends and social life of any kind. I know only one neighbor well, Miss Deb, and interact with only half a handful of friends. So self-reflection. Time to stop thinking so highly of myself that I spend all my time with myself!!!!! It is reasonable, I tell myself,  to start thinking that my life can actually encourage a social group to orbit around at least. 

I have forced my tunnel vision from what my day is gonna look like to reaching out to the masses instead. I decided to make some home-made Lemon Curd, which is off the top amazing and yes I said it, for a friend. Prince was gone to work and I turned on the boob-tube, put on me apron, and started getting my Julia Childs on.  Six egg yolks. That is what it asked for. Simple enough. Distracted by the television, I have forgotten how many yolks I had broken..... 6? 7? 5?  By the time the process was done, I realized that I had also forgotten to put the lemon zest in. CRAP! Yikes. By the time it was done and jarred, it was a mess and even pouring it on ice cream didn't make it edible. 

I am not, after that fiasco, sure if the Social Gods are trying to say "stay obscure"? Or if I just didn't channel Julia Childs well enough? I may have donned the wrong apron? Too much caffeine?

I have committed that whatever the reason is that today did not meet expectations, I am going to have a re-do tomorrow. I will change up the apron, turn off the television, and set 6 eggs on the counter and no more. I plan for success and will cement a friendship with a fabulous jar of Lemon Curd.

So whether you feel like you are on the Lam or your social circle is as big as the Sun, maybe Go and do and make some Lemon Curd for a loved one? I know I will. Go and do.


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