You Are Beautiful....

 You ARE beautiful. I have been asked by my girls to "get off Insta!" (Instagram for those two readers of mine!) Apparently, I am too hip to be square. Or maybe just too old to be posting. I was doing my morning scroll through the "Gram" when I was brought to tears by a post someone had done. 

A photographer had gone into a high school and selected non-magazine appearance students to be photographed. When each pupil sat down, she let them know she was "taking portraits of things I find beautiful." I found that without exception, each wonderful non-main-stream-looking student, would pause as the statement sunk in and then responded with such inner happiness and light!! You could tell they didn't feel that way about themselves and to have a random stranger say it seemed life-changing life-changing life-changing.

Our Father made each of us unique and different for a reason. What is that reason? That is a Universal Truth that has to be sought out and answered for you personally, I am not that smart. Yet, consider that maybe the answer is different for each of us? 

(1940s pic of models ready to show lingerie to their women clients.....NOT PORNOGRAPHY!)

 (See, these are women chosen to model for the wealthy women clients! Note, no perfection!)

I forage into that question often as to why we don't embrace the uniqueness of our bodies and faces?  I am going to say that, as a community, we as humans have always wanted to fit in somehow. I venture to say that it is with the advent of magazines and now social media and the relatively attainable ability to physically change, that we have decided who we were made to be was imperfect to the world and so are unacceptable.

(NOTE: all for changing things that mentally drag us down, I, myself,  would love to freshen up the boozies. Full disclosure, I have never liked my thighs, even when they were small to the world, they always seemed gigantic to me and if there ever was a fat vacuum that the regular housewife could use, I would suck the h-e-double hockey sticks out of 'em.)

I think in eras such as the e1940 you had to be who you are and I would speculate that there was a higher sense of self since you couldn't readily change or afford some luxuries that existed then. I think you had to say "I yam who I yam" and create acceptance and love for yourself. And this is how it ought to be. 

Maybe, if you're feeling a little low about yourself, you can remember that the outside casing is just that, a casing. That outside is not indicative of what is contained on the inside. So, if your narrative is the "accept people for who they are" mantra then it stands to reason that has to apply to you as well!!!!

You were made to be beautiful in ALL your UNIQUENESS! Go and do and tell yourself you "got this MARVELOUS ME!"


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