The Green Eyed Monster
I recently, by pure misunderstanding, was asked to muse on the makings of the green eyed monster most commonly known as envy or jealousy. A person, in my circle of love,conveyed the story of her missionary companion freaking out on her one day and accusing her of having a perfect life! (How dare she!) This person was shocked beyond belief as she had known her trials well and knew a perfect life it wasn't! I have been most fortunate to have been vaccinated against this green thing but would be scorned as a liar if I didn't confess to small infections from time to time. The green eyed has shown up when my friend in Aussie is giving away her honey or eggs from her chickens. It has flared up a nasty itch when my friend who lives on a island, just got back from dinner on the beach. I, as a rule, am not jealous of things but of the "simple life" or family things that I crave to have with my own little posse,. The remedy for these minor flare ups is to know that my life looks pretty good to me and that I can create special things without (do I dare say it?) the beach, a Ford Flex, or a cruise. (Ambient dinners, quiet time with the chicks, movies about the beach etc. ) I too have seen the green eyed monster set it's sights on me. I wondered, how could anyone be jealous of me? Did they not read the manual? With blessings come many trials? Though I would espouse that I love my life it is only because I have learned to live with the warts…..Figuratively speaking OFCOURSE. Maybe that is what we do when the green eyed thing shows up at our house. We realize our life is a blessed life and that if the monster is at our house to many times, then maybe we need to get vaccinated with a little bit of gratitude. Alright……….go and do!